My 101 in 1001 | The World From the View of Two Teenage Girls: My 101 in 1001

Saturday, October 5, 2013

My 101 in 1001

Yesterday, I decided to start a 101 in 1001.  I'll be updating it on the page, but for now here's what I put!

The Challenge:
Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days.

The Criteria:
Tasks must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable or clearly defined. Tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. represent some amount of work on your part).
Why 1001 Days? 
Many people have created lists in the past - frequently simple challenges such as New Year's resolutions or a 'Bucket List'. The key to beating procrastination is to set a deadline that is realistic. 1001 Days (about 2.75 years) is a better period of time than a year, because it allows you several seasons to complete the tasks, which is better for organising and timing some tasks such as overseas trips, study semesters, or outdoor activities.

Start Date: October 4th, 2013
End Date: July 1st, 2016

I've always wanted to do one of these, so here goes nothing!
  1. Learn to drive
  2. Learn how to use a sewing machine properly
  3. Spend less than an hour sewing elastics and ribbons on my pointe shoes
  4. Get up to watch the sunrise once a month
  5. Get a 6-pack
  6. Do thera-band foot stretches every day for a month
  7. Learn to swim
  8. Wear my hair down when I'm not at dance more often
  9. Keep my room clean for at least a month
  10. Be able to do a single fouette en pointe without winding up on my ass
  11. Run a half marathon
  12. Run a full marathon
  13. Learn how to make gifs
  14. Send at least one letter per month for a year
  15. Finish reading Wiked
  16. Read all of the books in my "To Read" list on GoodReads
  17. Go to a blogger meet up
  18. Go to New York City
  19. Have a leading role in a dance performance
  20. Get all 3 of my splits (0/3)
  21. Go to a concert
  22. Wear contacts
  23. Sell an ad on here
  24. Run an entire 5k without walking
  25. Be able to plank for 5 minutes straight
  26. Write at least 3 blog posts that are a minimum of 2000 words long (0/3)
  27. Wear a different dress every day for a week
  28. Make & use a light box
  29. Actually donate all the clothes I don't wear
  30. Donate blood
  31. Organize my files on my computer
  32. Make a pinterest-inspired meal
  33. Make a pinterest-inspired craft
  34. Send a secret to Post Secret
  35. Get a job
  36. Write notes about books on sticky notes and leave them in library books or books at B&N
  37. Take over 100 photos on my phone in a month
  38. Complete the 365 Project
  39. Drink tea with less than 6 spoon-fulls of sugar for a month
  40. Get my triple forward helix piercing
  41. Go Zip-Lining
  42. Answer the 50 Questions That Will Free You Mind
  43. Be able to flip a pancake without ruining it
  44. Get solid triples
  45. Grow a garden without help
  46. Renew my passport and use it
  47. Meet a bloggy friend in real life
  48. Go to a book signing
  49. See a movie at midnight when it comes out
  50. Go ice skating
  51. Buy something off Etsy
  52. Go without eating out for a month
  53. Ride in a hot air balloon
  54. Go on a scavenger hunt in a mall
  55. Ride a horse
  56. Become fluent in French
  57. Send/ Receive 10 Postcards from (0/10)
  58. Go vegan for a week
  59. Don't use my phone for 3 days in a row
  60. Photograph each item completed to post on this blog
  61. Be a tourist in my own town
  62. Handmake everyone's Christmas presents one year
  63. Go canoeing
  64. Ride a motorcycle
  65. Write a letter to myself to be opened after 1001 days
  66. Attend a blog get together or conference
  67. Go to the drive-in again
  68. Watch 10 movies released before I was born (0/10)
  69. Go on a road trip
  70. Take a trip with no plans or intended destination
  71. Average 1000 monthly views
  72. Pass 500 followers
  73. Go to fright fest
  74. Go to a haunted house
  75. Go sledding
  76. Save every nickel I get through these 1001 days
  77. Clear up my face
  78. Start wearing minimal make up at least twice a week
  79. Comment on every blog post I read one day
  80. Throw someone a surprise party
  81. Be able to do an aerial
  82. Get a domain
  83. Get my blog done professionally 
  84. See a live performance of the Nutcracker
  85. Keep a food journal for a week
  86. Start taking vitamins daily
  87. Hand sew hair bows and regularly wear them to dance
  88. Stop buying envelopes & cards, and make them instead
  89. Throw a party for an obscure holiday
  90. Give 10 sincere compliments to strangers (0/10)
  91. Take a train to Chicago, just because
  92. Make a journal from scratch
  93. Go to a dance
  94. Hand write and mail thank you notes after Christmas and my birthday
  95. Make a reusable bag from ironed plastic bags
  96. Put away a lot of money for college
  97. Write a guest blog post
  98. Be more confident
  99. Inspired someone to make their own 101 in 1001 list
  100. Celebrate finishing 101 in 1001
  101. Blog about each of the 101
Have a BEAUTIFUL weekend!


Check out my October Goals!

My Envelope Giveaway ends tomorrow so don't forget to enter while you can! :)

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