45 Pounds (Book Review) | The World From the View of Two Teenage Girls: 45 Pounds (Book Review)

Friday, October 18, 2013

45 Pounds (Book Review)

I recently finished 45 Pounds (More or Less) by K.A. Barson.  It was a lot shorter than the books I've been reading recently so it felt like I went through it really fast and I was kind of sad it was over so quickly.

Ann Galardi is 16, but a size 17.  This is something she hates and has worked very, very hard to change. She isn't the only one who has tried changing it though.  Her perfect mother is a size 6 and has been trying to get Ann to lose weight forever.  When Ann's aunt Jackie asks her to be a bridesmaid in her wedding, Ann decides it's time for her to lose 45 pounds in 10 weeks.

Ann learns a lot about herself and gets more comfortable in her own skin throughout the book, with the help of some new friends.  She also learns her perfect mother might not be as perfect as she previously thought.

I really, really enjoyed this book and I think the message on body image is extremely important, even if I can't exactly empathize with Ann.

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